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licensed tour-guide christianity

A chronological journey in the footsteps of Jesus

Nazareth, Grotto of the Annunciation, where the angel announced to Mary she is carrying a child who will be named Jesus.

Matt. 1:18-25

Luke 1:26-38

Ein Karem, Church of the Visitation, when Mary visited her parent Elisabeth also pregnant, carrying John the Baptist

Luke 1:39-80

Bethlehem, Basilica of the Nativity, the grotto where Jesus was born

Matt. 2:1-12

Luke 2:1-7

Bethlehem, the Shepherds' Field and grotto

Luke 2:8-20

Nazareth, Church of St Joseph, where Jesus spent his childhood with his father

Matt. 2:22-23

Luke 2:39-40

Nazareth Village, a reproduction of the Nazareth in the time of Jesus

Qasr el-Yahud, the Baptismal site of Jesus in the Jordan River

Matt. 3:13-17

Mark 1:9-11

Luke 3:21-23

John 1:6-34

Jericho, Qarantal monastery, where Jesus was tempted by Satan after 40 days in the desert (of Judea)

Matt. 4:1-5

Mark 1:12-13

Luke 4:1-13

Jerusalem, the Temple Mount's corner where Jesus was again tempted by Satan

Matt. 4:6-7

Luke 4:1-13

Nazareth, the old synagogue; where Jesus was rejected by his brethren 

Matt. 13:54-58

Mark 6:1-5

Luke 4:16-27

Mount Precipice, where the people of Nazareth wanted to throw Jesus from the cliff

Luke 4:28-30

Gospel Trail, a week long walk from Mount Precipice to Capharnaum across the Galilee and the Lake of Tiberias regions in different locations related to Jesus' ministry

Sea of Galilee, the region where Jesus gathered his first disciples and preached

Matt. 4:18-22

Mark 1:16-20,3:7,4:1,35-41, 6:42-52

Luke 5:1-11

John 1:35-50

Capharnaum, where Jesus met his first disciples and lived in the house of Peter for about three years

Matt. 4:13

Mark 1:21, Mark 2, Mark 3

Luke 5:1-11

Cana, the Wedding Church, where Jesus performed his first miracle by changing water into wine

John 2:1-11

Ginossar (Genessaret), where a boat from the time of Jesus' disciples is exhibited

Mount of the Beatitudes, where Jesus made his sermon on the mount

Matt. 5, 6, 7

Mark 4:1-2

Gadara, where Jesus healed the demoniac

Matt. 8:28-34 , Mark 5:1-17

Luke 8:22-37

Loth's Wife in Sodom, compared to the fate of those who reject the good words

Matt. 10:5-15 

Luke 10:5-12

Bethsaida, where Jesus healed a blind man; the disciples Simon-Peter, Andrew and Philip originated from that town; later Jesus pronounced a woe 

Matt. 11:20-24

Luke 10:13

Chorazin, one of the synagogues where Jesus was rejected; woe

Matt. 11:20-24

Luke 10:13-15

Tabgha, where Jesus fed the multitude

Matt. 14:13-23

Mark 6:34-44 ; Mark 8:1-9

Luke 9:10-17 ; John 6:1-15


Magdala (Migdal), the city of Mary Madgelene, in the land of Gennesaret (Ginossar)

Matt. 14:34-36 , Matt. 15:39

Mark 6:53-56

Banyas, the ancient pagan Caesarea Philippi, where Jesus chose Peter and prepared his disciples for the future

Matt. 16:13-28

Mark 8:27-38

Mount Tabor, traditional site of the Transfiguration (alternative site is Mount Hermon)

Matt. 17:1-13 , Mark 9:2-10

Luke 9:28-36

Jericho, where Jesus passed on his way to Jerusalem; the sycomore tree where Zacchaeus hid; there he also healed the blind men

Matt. 20:29-34 ; Luke 19:1-27

Bethany, Mount of the Olives, village where Jesus resurrected Lazarus and remained during his time in Jerusalem

Matt. 21:17

John 11:1-44

Bethphage, on the Mount of the Olives, from where Jesus rode a colt and people proclaimed Hosanna

Matt. 21:1-9 ; Mark 11:1-11

Luke 19:29-40

John 12:12-15

The Pilgrims' way, Mount of the Olives, that Jesus took for his triumphal entry to the Holy City

Golden Gate, the Eastern Gate from where Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday


tt. 21:10 ; Mark 11:11

Luke 19:45-48 

Pater Noster, Mount of the Olives, the traditional site where Jesus taught his disciples the "Our Father" in a cave

Acts of John 96


Bethesda, the pagan Roman pools where Jesus healed a paralytic on Shabbat

John 5:1-16

Siloam, the purifying pool where Jesus healed a blind man on Shabbat

John 9:1-14

Dominus Flevit, Mount of the Olives, where Jesus reflected over the fate of Jerusalem

Matt. 24:1-2 ; Mark 13:1-2

Luke 19:41-44

Bethany, Mount of the Olives, village where a woman called Mary washed Jesus' feet

Matt. 26:6-13 ; Mark 14:3-9

John 12:1-8

The Cenacle, Mount Sion, Room of the Last Supper, the Upper Room

Matt. 26:20-30 ; Mark 14:12-26

Luke 22:7-23

John 13:1-38

Gethsemane, Kidron Valley, the grotto where Jesus' disciples had a rest nearby

Matt. 26:36-46 ; Mark 14:32

Luke 22:39-40

Gethsemane, Kidron Valley, where Jesus prayed during the Agony, and where he was arrested

Matt. 26:37-56 ; Mark 14:33-52

Luke 22:41-54 ; John 18:1-11

Peter de Gallicantu, Mount Sion, where Peter denied knowing Jesus and where Jesus spent the last night in Caiaphas jail 

Matt. 26:31-35 & Matt. 26:57-75

Mark 14:53-72 ; Luke 22:55-62

John 18:12-27

Akeldama, monastery in the Gehenna Valley, Jerusalem, where Judas Iscariot hanged himself

Matt. 27:3-10

Acts 1:15-26


Ecce Homo, Jerusalem, convent said to be on the spot where Pontius Pilate judged Jesus and presented him to the crowd

Matt. 27:11-26 ; Mark 15:1-15

Luke 23:1-25

John 18:28-40

Praetorium and Lithostrotos, where the Roman soldiers prepared Jesus before the crucifixion

Matt. 27:27-31 ; Mark 15:16-20

John 19:1-16

Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, the 14 stations of the Cross

Matt. 27:32 ; Mark 15:21-22

Luke 23:26-32

John 19:17

Golgotha, Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified and put in a tomb

Matt. 27:33-61 ; Mark 15:23-47

Luke 23:33-56

John 19:18-42

Garden Tomb, alternative site of the crucifixion for the Protestant faith

John 19:41-42

The Resurrection occurred in the morning after Sabbath, on the third day since the Crucifixion

Matt. 28 ; Mark 16

Luke 24

John 20 & 21


Emmaus, where Jesus met 2 disciples on the way from Jerusalem and joined them for a meal

Luke 24:13-33

Tabgha, Primacy of Peter, where Jesus fed his disciples on a rock (Mensa Christi) and confirmed Peter in his mission

John 21:1-23

Chapel of the Ascension, Mount of the Olives, where Jesus went to Heaven, 40 days after the Crucifixion

Acts 1:1-14

Dormition, Mount Sion, 50 days (Pentecost) from the Crucifixion, where Mary fell in the etern

al sleep and when the disciples received the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-17

Megiddo, Armageddon, the mount and valley where the last battle will take place at the End of Times between God and the forces of Evil

Revelation 16:16

The pictures are also available to watch from a short film on Youtube. Follow this link: In the footsteps of Jesus.

Grotto of the Annunciation, Nazareth
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
Church of St-Joseph, Nazarath
Jesus' baptismal site on the Jordan river
The corner of the Temple mount
Mount Precipice, Nazareth
Church of the Visitation, Ein Karem
The Shepherds' Field, Bethlehem
Nazareth Village
Monastery of the Qarantal, Jericho
The Synagogue church, Nazareth
Start of the Gospel Trail, Nazareth
The House of Peter, Capharnaum
Boat of the time of Jesus, Ginossar
The Wedding church, Cana
The Transfiguration, Mount Tabor
The Beatitudes
Church of the Multiplication
Caesarea Philippi, Banyas
The sycamore of Zaccheus, Jericho
The Golden gate, Temple Mount
Pools of Bethesda, Jerusalem
Pilgrims' Way, Mount of the Olives
The Pater Noster, Mount of the Olives
Mary of Bethany, mural in Nazareth
Grotto of Gethsemane, Mount of the Olives
Church Peter of Gallicantu, Mount Sion
Ecce Homo, Via Dolorosa
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
The Garden Tomb, Jerusalem
Mensa Christi, Sea of Galilee
The Dormition, Mount Sion
Dominus Flevit, Mount of the Olives
The Cenacle, Mount Sion
Church of Gethsemane, Kidron Valley
Monastery of Akeldama, Gehenna Valley
The Lithostrotos, Via Dolorosa
Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem
Emmaus, Judean Mounts
Chapel of the Ascension, Mount of the Olives
Armageddon, Meggido
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