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Seder Olam: C10- Enosh


Generation 10: Hebrew years 1080 to 1200 (2680-2560 BCE)



Mankind became increasingly corrupted with practices of abominations.


In Hebrew year 1140, Enosh, who was Seth's son, died at the age of 905. The name Enosh, written אֱנוֹשׁ  in Hebrew, means ‘human’. Symbolically, with his passing, what was left of ‘humanity’ on earth died with him.

Biblical Enosh
Enosh on a stained-glass window at the cathedral of Lyons, France

All the early descendants of Adam died after him and the earth became populated with a more violent human race.

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Albert Benhamou

Private Tour Guide in Israel

Adar 5785 - March 2025

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