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Seder Olam: C12- Jared


Generation 12: Hebrew years 1320 to 1440 (2440-2320 BCE)



Mankind became more and more corrupted with practices of abominations.


Jared was the father of Hanoch, who was taken away by God in Hebrew year 987.

And Jared lived a hundred sixty and two years, and begot Hanoch. And Jared lived after he begot Hanoch eight hundred years, and begot sons and daughters. And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years; and he died. (Genesis 5:18-20)

Jared died in year 1422, at the age of 962.

Biblical Jared
Jared, painted-glass window, Canterbury Cathedral, London (courtesy: Jules & Jenny, Lincoln, UK)

Jared had been the oldest living person to die since Adam who died at the age of 930. But he was also the grandfather of Methuselah who will be the longest living person.


The generations since Adam were: Adam > Seth > Enosh > Kenan > Mahalal-El > Jared > Hanoch


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Albert Benhamou

Private Tour Guide in Israel

Adar 5785 - March 2025

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